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Kensington Lomi Lomi massage

Lomi Lomi is one of the most profound forms of massage. The word Lomi Lomi simply means massage. It is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and more specifically the master healers of Hawaii. It works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be. This flowing with total energy, using the long continuous, flowing strokes, combined with the very loving touch, relaxes the entire being, assisting in a letting go of old beliefs, patterns and behaviours that cause limitations and which are stored in the cells of our body.

The Hawaiians look at things in terms of energy flow, following the idea that an idea or belief can block energy flow as much as muscle tension can. Lomi Lomi helps release the blockages, whilst at the same time giving the energy new direction. Thus Lomi Lomi is not just a physical experience; it also facilitates healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well. The Hawaiians view all aspects of the body as one and believe that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are all part of the “ whole” self-when healing is effected on one level, all levels are affected.
The massage is given in fluid, rhythmic motion using the forearms as well as the hands. Some people have described this as feeling like gentle waves moving over the body. Another feature is that different parts of the body may be massaged at the same time, for example one arm or hand may be working on a shoulder and the other hand may be working on the opposite hip. This assists the recipient in totally relaxing as it is impossible or at least extremely difficult for the brain to focus on the two different areas at once. By not working on areas in isolation a deep sense of balance and harmony are achieved.

Under body and full body strokes also help to free the energy, make the body soft, promoting free and abundant flow of life energy in the recipient. Energy also gets blocked in the joints. Gently stretches of the body and gentle rotations of the joints are therefore also incorporated to assists the release of tensions and assist the flow of energy, once again not forcing, but feeling the level of the clients resistance or comfort. The masseuse may also hum at various points during the Lomi Lomi as the vibrating and amplified energy that results also aids the release of blockages.
A massage may be slow and very relaxing or at times it may be a little faster and therefore more invigorating and enlivening to the body.
Lomi Lomi has a definition of “ The Loving Touch -a connection of heart, hands and soul with the Source of All Life!”